LEGO Buzz Lightyear Costume

My wife is a big fan of the Toy Story movies. With a new Lightyear movie coming out soon, she wanted me to make her a LEGO Buzz Lightyear costume. This was the first costume I’ve made for her since her 2017 LEGO Stormtrooper costume.
Buzz Lightyear has a pretty simple head compared to other LEGO costumes I’ve made. I started with the basic LEGO head but made it a little taller than normal. Instead of pretending there’s a peg at the top covered by a hair piece, I just made the dome a little higher. There are two bumps on the sides for the ears. It’s painted mostly purple and then masked off to expose part of the face. There’s a gap between the teeth for my wife to see as she’s walking.
The torso on this costume is where I put most of the details. It started with a cardboard box like the other costumes that’s fitted to my wife dimensions. I sketched out a vector graphic of the torso in Inkscape and printed it the actual size of the torso. This helps to guide where to layout all the details. I used 10 mm foam to give middle part of the chest some depth.
I added beveled strips of foam to get the black ribbing under the chest. For the green section on the top, I extended the upper chest out a little. A large push button was added to the chest that was intended to allow con goers to trigger a sound effect if they pushed it. Unfortunately I didn’t get this wired up in time. Only 1 or 2 people at the convention thought to touch the button.
The Space Rangers logo in the center and the Lightyear nameplate were 3D printed and then hand painted. When making the LEGO hands, I added a button on the inside that my wife can push to trigger the LED “laser” on the gauntlet.
The original face looked a little goofy. I think it was a combination of the eyes with the weird open mouth. The mouth was something I couldn’t change and still give my wife visibility in the costume. My daughter suggested I get rid of the eye lids so the final face looks different from earlier pictures.
Original plans were to add sound effects like I had with Green Goblin. I also wanted to add wings that could pop out. I 3D printed most of the structure for the wings but unfortunately I ran out of time to finish it. The wings may have been a waste since it was so crowded at the convention, we would have only been able to extend the wings for a a brief period of time in the lobby.

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