
One of my favorite memories of Christmas is waking up Christmas day to find my own personal Nintendo Entertainment center already setup in my room. Super Mario Bros. was the first video game I owned. Since that day I’ve always been a fan of Mario. With the Super Mario Bros. movie coming out in April, I wanted to do a statue or a costume from this franchise. Originally I thought it would be fun to do a realistic 5 or 6 foot tall Bowser statue. I started to work on the template for his mouth and nose on a Sunday night in early March but got interrupted when we discovered a water leak in our house. I spent the next 5 weeks in a hotel room not able to work on any projects.

Once we were allowed back in the house in mid-April, I had to downsize my plans. Bowser was too complicated to finish in time for the convention so I decided to do a simple LEGO Mario statue.
The head was the only challenging part. Since his nose and ears are such a big part of Mario’s appearance, I had to make a 3D nose and ears instead of a flat painted nose and ears. This took some trial and error to get the right shape for the nose. I also had some issues with the hat. My first attempt was too tall and didn’t sync well with the forehead. I had to cut it down some and pull the front further out on the bill. Overall I’m happy with the final result.
The body of Mario is the basic LEGO shape I’ve used for years. The only details on the body were the suspenders on the front of the torso and the pant cuffs on the bottom of the legs.

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