
In April 2019, the David Harbour Hellboy movie came out. I was a fan of the Ron Perlman movies…
I started with a normal head but made it a little taller since I didn’t want to have a peg on top. I used paper to layout the sideburns, hair, and horn stumps before creating the foam pieces.
Hellboy is known for his large demonic right arm. I used paper to make a template for the hand before converting it to foam.
The paper was then used to make the full foam hand.
The left arm was the standard LEGO arm I’ve used on previous statues. In the left hand Hellboy holds his favorite gun, the Good Samaritan.
My daughter made the trench coat. The Hellboy statue made it’s debut at a local movie theater for the movie premiere. It was later setup at Tidewater Comicon 2019.

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